Zenoss Export Monitoring Templates

They include monitoring of Apache, Dell, FTP, HTTP, LDAP, JMX and. Note that the export process also creates the. Fsx Smoke System 2011 Dodge. Creating Zenoss ZenPacks. Zenoss monitoring templates (referred to as templates) are collections of data points, often with corresponding thresholds (data point limits) and graphs, that are.

Zenpacklib --create ZenPacks.example.MyNewPack Running the above command would result in the following output. Creating source directory for ZenPacks.test.ZPLTest2: - making directory: ZenPacks.test.ZPLTest2/ZenPacks/test/ZPLTest2 - creating file: ZenPacks.test.ZPLTest2/setup.py - creating file: ZenPacks.test.ZPLTest2/MAINFEST.in - creating file: ZenPacks.test.ZPLTest2/ZenPacks/__init__.py - creating file: ZenPacks.test.ZPLTest2/ZenPacks/test/__init__.py - creating file: ZenPacks.test.ZPLTest2/ZenPacks/test/ZPLTest2/__init__.py - creating file: ZenPacks.test.ZPLTest2/ZenPacks/test/ZPLTest2/zenpack.yaml lint The ---lint switch will check the provided YAML file for correctness. It checks that the provided file is syntactically-valid YAML, and it will also perform many others checks that validate that the contained entries, fields and their values are valid. The following example shows an example of using an unrecognized parameter in a monitoring template. Zenpacklib --diagram zenpack.yaml Would result in the following yUML class diagram source. You can now paste this into to see what it looks like. # Classes [NetBotzDevice] [NetBotzEnclosure] [NetBotzSensor] # Inheritence [Device]^-[NetBotzDevice] [Component]^-[NetBotzEnclosure] [Component]^-[NetBotzSensor] # Containing Relationships [NetBotzDevice]++netBotzEnclosures-netBotzDevice[NetBotzEnclosure] [NetBotzDevice]++netBotzSensors-netBotzDevice[NetBotzSensor] # Non-Containing Relationships [NetBotzEnclosure]netBotzSensors.-netBotzEnclosure++[NetBotzSensor] paths The ---paths switch shows the paths between defined component classes in the zenpack, using the device name you have specified as a sample.

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Monitoring Templates. Zenoss will attempt to find a monitoring template named WidgeterHealth in the following places in the following order. On the widgeter1 device. Build the Monitoring Template; Test Monitoring Template; Export. That Zenoss was monitoring the uptime. Of the Device monitoring template in the.

To obtain useful results, ensure that the device has at least one component of each type you are interested in. The paths shown are those used to control which devices will show up in the bottom grid of the zenoss UI when a component is selected and a target class is selected from the filter dropdown. The default behavior is to show component of that type that are directly related to the selected component through 1:M or 1:MC relationships, but additional objects that are indirectly related can be added through the use of the 'extra_paths' configuration directive.

---paths is primarily intended as a debugging tool during the development of extra_paths patterns to verify that they are having the intended effect. Example usage.

Zenpacklib --dump-templates ZenPacks.example.BetterAlreadyBeInstalled dump-event-classes The ---dump-event-classes switch is designed to export event class organizers and mappings already loaded into your Zenoss instance and associated with a ZenPack. It will export them to the YAML format required for zenpack.yaml. It is up to you to merge that YAML with your existing zenpack.yaml. Only event classes sourced from the ZenPack's XML will be exported.

Any event classes sourced from the ZenPack's YAML will not be exported. If the YAML for these event classes is desired, it should be copied from the ZenPack's existing YAML. Example usage. Note When dumping existing event classes using the zenpacklib tool with the --dump-event-classes option, some transforms and/or explanations may show as either unformatted text within double quotes or as formatted text within single quotes.

This is due to how the python yaml package handles strings. Either of these two formats are acceptable when used in zenpack.yaml. Dump-process-classes The ---dump-process-classes switch is designed to export process class organizers and classes already loaded into your Zenoss instance and associated with a ZenPack. It will export them to the YAML format required for zenpack.yaml. Orcad 9.1 Keygen. It is up to you to merge that YAML with your existing zenpack.yaml. Only process class organizers sourced from the ZenPack's XML will be exported. Any process class organizers sourced from the ZenPack's YAML will not be exported.