Yum Install Kernel Headers Version

Opera Mini Browser For Nokia 6120 Classic. Updating the kernel on Red Hat Linux or CentOS Linux is a very simple process. Most commonly you will use the following command in the case of a security vulnerability, or perhaps just to verify that you’re running the most up-to-date kernel: yum -y update kernel In this case, yum is the rpm-based package manager for both Red Hat and CentOS, -y, –assumeyes gives yes as an answer to any question which would be asked by running the command, update is for updating the package, and kernel is the package you’re updating! Assuming your server needed a new kernel and was thus upgraded, reboot your server to complete the process!

Yum Install Kernel Headers Version

I am attempting to install the VMWare player in Fedora 19. I am running into the problem that multiple users have had where VMware player cannot find the kernel headers. I have installed the kernel-headers and kernel-devel packages through yum and the file that appears in /usr/src/kernels is: 3.12.8-200.fc19.x86_64 However, when I do uname -r my Fedora kernel version is: 3.9.5-301.fc19.x86_64 which is a different version. This seems to mean that when I point VMware player at the path of the kernels I get this error: C header files matching your running kernel were not found. Refer to your distribution's documentation for installation instructions. How can I install the correct Kernel and where should I be pointing VMware if its not /usr/src/kernels/? You can install the correct kernel header files like so: $ sudo yum install 'kernel-devel-uname-r == $(uname -r)' Example This command will always install the right version.