'>I am not sure why you are putting.js and images under the css directory though, seems a bit confusing to me.
If you go to the src/main/resources/css etc. Approach I mentioned above change your resource mapping to the following: mvc:resources mapping='/resources/**' location='/resources/' />Then access it like this: ' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' /. Hi Thank you for your suggesiton.
It is still failed with 405: HTTP Status 405 - Request method 'GET' not supported I have changed resources path as you suggested: src/main/resources/img/ src/main/resources/tcal.css src/main/resources/tcal.js then changed link to: ' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />'>in my addDeliveries.jsp file. Here is the site access path: click the button 'Add Delivery'. The 5th Horseman Pdf.
Noticed that the popup page 'addDelivery.jsp' display as normal html without any css and js. I 'd expect the field 'Delivery Date' shown a js calendar for a user to pick a date, but currently there is nothing applied to this field. Well you said you changed your resource path to src/main/resources/img/ src/main/resources/tcal.css src/main/resources/tcal.js as I suggested. What I actually suggested is: src/main/resources/css/tcal.css src/main/resources/js/tcal.js Did you also change your mvc:resources tag as I suggested to mvc:resources mapping='/resources/**' location='/resources/' />If you did then you are still not accessing them correctly. You said you used ' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />'>Using what you posted above (without the additional js folder) it should be '>You can find an example on the mvc showcase project One other thing in your web.xml do you have the dispatcher mapped to /?