Org.objectweb.asm.opcodes Jar

A visitor to visit a Java method. The methods of this class must be called in the following order: ( visitParameter )* [ visitAnnotationDefault ] ( visitAnnotation visitParameterAnnotation visitTypeAnnotation visitAttribute )* [ visitCode ( visitFrame visit XInsn visitLabel visitInsnAnnotation visitTryCatchBlock visitTryCatchAnnotation visitLocalVariable visitLocalVariableAnnotation visitLineNumber )* visitMaxs ] visitEnd. In addition, the visit XInsn and visitLabel methods must be called in the sequential order of the bytecode instructions of the visited code, visitInsnAnnotation must be called after the annotated instruction, visitTryCatchBlock must be called before the labels passed as arguments have been visited, visitTryCatchBlockAnnotation must be called after the corresponding try catch block has been visited, and the visitLocalVariable, visitLocalVariableAnnotation and visitLineNumber methods must be called after the labels passed as arguments have been visited. Author: Eric Bruneton. Visits an annotation on a type in the method signature. Parameters: typeRef - a reference to the annotated type.

Asm JarOrg.objectweb.asm.opcodes Jar

The ASM library is a project of the OW2 Consortium. It provides a simple API for decomposing, modifying, and recomposing binary Java classes (i.e. This page shows details for the Java class ClassVisitor contained in the package org.objectweb.asm. All JAR files containing this class file are listed. Org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor, ClassVisitor, org.objectweb.asm, class, JAR file, findJAR, serFISH. I am using freemind 0.9 on Ubuntu 12.04, and trying to install a plugin written with 'groovy', from

The sort of this type reference must be,,,,. TypePath - the path to the annotated type argument, wildcard bound, array element type, or static inner type within 'typeRef'.

May be null if the annotation targets 'typeRef' as a whole. Desc - the class descriptor of the annotation class. Visible - true if the annotation is visible at runtime. Returns: a visitor to visit the annotation values, or null if this visitor is not interested in visiting this annotation. • visitParameterAnnotation public visitParameterAnnotation(int parameter, desc, boolean visible). Visits the current state of the local variables and operand stack elements. This method must(*) be called just before any instruction i that follows an unconditional branch instruction such as GOTO or THROW, that is the target of a jump instruction, or that starts an exception handler block.

The visited types must describe the values of the local variables and of the operand stack elements just before i is executed. (*) this is mandatory only for classes whose version is greater than or equal to. The frames of a method must be given either in expanded form, or in compressed form (all frames must use the same format, i.e. You must not mix expanded and compressed frames within a single method): • In expanded form, all frames must have the F_NEW type. • In compressed form, frames are basically 'deltas' from the state of the previous frame: • representing frame with exactly the same locals as the previous frame and with the empty stack. • representing frame with exactly the same locals as the previous frame and with single value on the stack ( nStack is 1 and stack[0] contains value for the type of the stack item). • representing frame with current locals are the same as the locals in the previous frame, except that additional locals are defined ( nLocal is 1, 2 or 3 and local elements contains values representing added types).

Program Antenna Book By Kd Prasad Pdf To Word here. • representing frame with current locals are the same as the locals in the previous frame, except that the last 1-3 locals are absent and with the empty stack ( nLocals is 1, 2 or 3). Central Monitoring Software on this page. • representing complete frame data.

In both cases the first frame, corresponding to the method's parameters and access flags, is implicit and must not be visited. Also, it is illegal to visit two or more frames for the same code location (i.e., at least one instruction must be visited between two calls to visitFrame). Parameters: type - the type of this stack map frame. Must be for expanded frames, or,,, or, for compressed frames. NLocal - the number of local variables in the visited frame. Local - the local variable types in this frame. This array must not be modified.

Primitive types are represented by,,,,, or (long and double are represented by a single element). Reference types are represented by String objects (representing internal names), and uninitialized types by Label objects (this label designates the NEW instruction that created this uninitialized value). Sol Invictus Sol Veritas Lux Rar. NStack - the number of operand stack elements in the visited frame.