No Limits Coaster Tracks

Reaper Serie Tv Ita. 2005: These tracks showed me getting away from the single day ideas into full-fledged projects. They may not be great technically, but all show some promise.

No Limits Coaster TracksNo Limits Coaster 2 Download Tracks

Not coincidentally it was this period that I became active around CoasterSims and started seeing what other people were doing. Click on the bold links to download. (August 2005) – This was not strictly a roller coaster per se, but some sort of simulation experience. I got the inspiration from another track on CoasterSims where the designer buried the track underground so the car appeared to be moving on it’s own. So I decided to take that idea to an extreme by basing it on the 100 mile dash sequence from the Pixar movie.

I had seen that movie over 30 times (please don’t ask why, I’d rather not revisit that point in my life) so I guess it made perfect sense to me to make a roller-coaster-type-thing in homage. It actually is pretty fun, at least on your first ride through when you don’t know what direction it’s going to go next, dodging trees and boulders at a very fast rate, and there’s enough variety to keep it interesting to the very end. Unfortunately I didn’t have much in the way of 3D making skills at the time so it’s rather lacking in that much-needed regard, but I still think it’s worth dusting off to ride once every year or so..

(June 2005) – This showed the direction I was going with (I had already been working on that one for several months anyway) and despite some questionable trackwork it still boasts a surprisingly thorough custom support job. The physics are way off due to the enormous train size, but it actually does resemble a junior coaster more than any other NL track I’ve ever downloaded thanks to the painstaking process it was to move all the bents in closer to the track. Definitely worth a look if you’re a NoLimits re-creation completist, and by far better than the other Michigan’s Adventure re-creations I finished earlier that year.

(Februrary 2005) – At least when I failed I got to fail interestingly. So this is actually a nifty little track; I wrote up this whole story about how some future theme park tycoon (i.e. Myself) retired and wanted to build a personal roller coaster over his backyard hillside (apparently I move into a house in the country).