Mod_d4j_transmenu V1 .3

Gta 3 Mods

Hello all, i am facing a wierd problem in Firefox. I hav a video module, in a site i did, and the links appears in IE which is clickable, while, I n firefox i cant click it. Its joomla based. So then i hadnt tried validating, so plz excuse that. Link:Signin Details.: trial Password: abcd1234 After signing in, you will have to go to Community->Video gallery There you'll see a 'nueur clip' link. It doesnt work in FF, works fine in IE6/7.

Mihir Smiling PS: Please Ignore the Colours, the client asked for them. Laughing out loud. I think that this is going over old ground? Isn't it mihirc I thought that you had sorted out the absurd implementation of joomla modules? If not and you are still showing the same horrendous markup errors then help from us is very unlikely, personally I have said all I'm going to on the subject of Joomla, I simply can't take that CMS seriously Sorry I realise this comes across as unhelpful?

Mod_d4j_transmenu V1 .3

[web] Joomla mods and addons- more than 150! Posts; Latest Activity. D4J TransMenu v1.3 mod_d4j_transmenu D4J Instant Search v1.6 mod. [web] Joomla mods and addons- more than 150! 18.03.09, 15:10. File 1: List: 75 Joomla Modules Complete List. D4J TransMenu v1.3 mod_d4j_transmenu.

But we live and die by the standards, valid markup etc mantras partly as attempting to help with CSS problems is made very close to imposible with invalid code, and thus pointless. Hi, i did make changes to 1 module and if you check my companys site, they are 99% valid. But when it comes to sites with n number of modules made by diff companies, it seriously isnt really helpful and the only way out, is the painstaking process of making js that will make that particular extension valid.

Yea, i agree it is going the same way, as the last thread which i didmake it valid, and mine might be THE VALID SITE In Joomla. If you check the css path, you will notice something like transmenu in it and that is an external module published. So i really cant help making it valid, as for my real question i havnt got a good reply yet. If you look through the html coding, then you wont find any problems i am quite sure. Hi, there are loads of ppl who are doing there best to get joomla, being validated. I am one of them. Now the only thing is, we need ppl to work, basically the problems are known, the answers are known, there just arnt enough hands to copy re-write them on paper.

Technically each module that is published by 3rd party ppl should be validated. And those module if you go to joomla's site and see the extensions, you will find there are thousands and thousands and thousands. So the only way out is each developer validates his own page, and then if he does another site, he does it again, and again and again.

Mihirc wrote: @kk5st. If you check the css path, you will notice something like transmenu in it and that is an external module published. How To Install Wifislax On Windows.

So i really cant help making it valid, as for my real question i havnt got a good reply yet. If you look through the html coding, then you wont find any problems i am quite sure. I am not at all concerned with the stylesheet yet. You have 192 html syntax errors on the page in question. In order to check the validity, you most save the source to file, then upload that file to the validator. The validator does not have direct access to that page and only sees the index page. Do as I described, and correct your errors.

Many are critical. Hi, i know the importance of validating a page, and let me tell you if you take a look at my index, its FINE.

The problem is joomla puts all the stuff directly in ur index, when a page loads, so all the crap that comes, is from there. An d you cant just check it, bcz it gets inside the index. Anyways, i am working very very hard to try and make a joomla site validate. I am almost there, just a few changes that i need to workout to make this site () 100% valid. Mihir P.S.: Its Quarter to 2 here(in the morning), and i need to get to office by 10, so gotta pull myself away from the comp and to the bed.

Even the coffee is finished now Good Morning!!! Mihir harking back to the other post, did you not re-configure a module that was giving problems? From what I saw on a check of Joomla sites two different modules demonstrated exactly the same problems, suggesting a core common problem with the method used to call and merge module parts into a page, does this not mean that the fix then is the same from module to module? But as Gary says focus on the problem at hand rather than the 1789 other modules. I'm slightly interested in how the modules in Joomla are written to cause this problem.