Hemisync The Gateway Experience Torrent

Hemisync The Gateway Experience Torrent

In order to help you experience the benefits of using Hemi-Sync’s binaural beat technology, we’re offering The Way of Hemi-Sync for free! You can download the MP3 or order the CD ( shipping charges will apply to the CD). This verbally guided demonstration will introduce you to the extraordinary benefits of the whole-brain states of consciousness made possible by Hemi-Sync®. You will hear, feel, and understand how Hemi-Sync® works and then enjoy a relaxing and deeply restful experience. To download the MP3 to your computer, (35MB filesize) Cautions and Disclaimer While many of our audio products contribute to wellness, they are not intended to replace medical diagnosis and treatment. DO NOT listen to Hemi-Sync® while driving or operating heavy equipment, or with other devices that may influence brain wave activity.

The Gateway Experience Manual

If you have a tendency towards seizures, auditory disorders, or other adverse mental condition(s) DO NOT listen to Hemi-Sync® without first consulting your physician. In the unlikely event that you experience any unusual physical or mental discomfort, immediately discontinue use. Stevefx - Dx10 Scenery Fixer more. ALL WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED.

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Copyright 1989, The Monroe Institute, All Rights Reserved The Monroe Institute, a nonprofit edu cat ion al and res ear ch fac il ity, is dee ply int ere ste d in the pro gre ss you ach iev e wit h the se training exercises. Send your reports or requests for further information regarding the Gateway Experience in-home program to the Gateway Experience Coordinator. To continue the program, please contact your local distributor or The Monroe Institute. The Gateway Experience is a system of training in personal development. It is not a form of psy chothe rapy, philosophy, relig ion, or medic al diagno sis/ treat ment. It is a means to acquir e knowl edge.

The applicat ion and results ther eof are solely the respons ibil ity of the trainee. The Gateway Experience training series is sold for private use only. Any public or commercial use thereof without written consent of The Monroe Institute is strictly prohibited. Caution: These tapes must not be used while driving.

Use only with your doctor ’ s permission if you are taking psychotropic medication or are engaged in therapy. Your doctor may call our Professional Division with any questions.

Do not use tapes with any indication of epilepsy. Directory Advanced Focus 10 (Discovery #3) Adventure (Wave IV) Bio-Body (Prospecting #2) Brain Power Color Breathing (Threshold #4) Comments from Robert A.

Monroe Compoint (Adventure #6) Discovery (Wave I) Encoding Instructions Energy Bar Tool (Threshold.#5) Energy Food (Freedom #5) Energy Walks Exploration, Sleep (Discovery.#5) Exploring (Wave V) Far Reaches (Prospecting #6) First-Stage Separation (Freedom #6) Five Messages (Adventure #2) Five Questions (Freedom #4) Focus 12: Overview Free Flow Methods of Exploration Free Flow 10 (Discovery #6) Free Flow 1 2 (Adventure #3) Freedom (Wave III) 1. Gateway Affirmation, The Gateway Entry Gateway Experience, The Horizons (Exploring #5) Introduction to Focus 10 (Discovery #2) Introduction to Focus 12 (Threshold #1) Liftoff (Freedom #1) Living Body Map (Threshold #6) Metamorphosite (Prospecting #1) Mission Day (Exploring #3) Mission Night (Exploring #4) Mission 10 (Exploring #1) Mission 12 (Exploring #2) Near Reaches (Prospecting #5) Need Grounding? Null Point (Prospecting #3) NVC I (Adventure #4) NVC II (Adventure #5) One-Breath Technique, The One-Month Patterning (Threshold #3) One-Year Patterning (Adventure #1) Orientation (Discovery #1 ) Out-of-Body Experience Pathways (Exploring #6) Plus Polarity (Prospecting #4) Preventing and Solving Cassette Problems Problem Solving (Threshold #2) Prospecting (Wave VI) Questions & Answers Release and Recharge (Discovery #4) Remote Viewing (Freedom #2) Required Equipment Resonant Energy Balloon (REBAL) Tape-Taking Recommendations Threshold (Wave II) Vectors (Freedom #3). I am more than my physical body. Because I am more than physical matter, I can perceive that which is greater than the physical world.