Canada Graduate Scholarship Program

Purpose The objective of the Canada Graduate Scholarships-Master's (CGS M) Program is to help develop research skills and assist in the training of highly. The Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships. Eligible full-time international students starting a research-based master’s program or PhD program will receive an.

Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship Program

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Please contact us to request a format other than those available. December 2012 Competition Overview Value $17,500 Duration 1 year (non-renewable) Application deadline (8 p.m. Eastern) Direct applications: December 13, 2012 University applications: February 4, 2013 Results announced Spring 2013 Apply Application form not available. Context Through Canada Graduate Scholarships (CGS), the three federal research granting agencies each year support 2,500 doctoral students and 2,500 master's students in all disciplines.

Most Canadian universities receive a indicating the number of students they can nominate for scholarships. Students registered in a degree program at a university that did not receive an allocation must apply directly to SSHRC. If you are interested in a research experience outside of Canada and hold a Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS at the master's or doctoral level, or a (Vanier CGS) at the doctoral level, you may be eligible to apply for a CGS. Objectives The Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS Master's Scholarships funding opportunity seeks to develop research skills and assist in the training of highly qualified personnel by supporting students in the social sciences and humanities who demonstrate a high standard of achievement in undergraduate and early graduate studies. Ps3 Xpadder Windows 7 on this page.

Blue Soft Knjigovodstveni Program there. This funding opportunity, together with the SSHRC, the, the SSHRC and the, help train Canada's researchers and leaders of tomorrow. Tenable only at, Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS Master’s Scholarships are open to applicants who will be registered as full-time students in a master's or combined undergraduate/graduate program, or in the first year of a combined MA/PhD program, and in a discipline supported by SSHRC. Eligibility Subject Matter Most SSHRC funding is awarded through open competitions. Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS Master’s Scholarship proposals may involve any disciplines, thematic areas, approaches or subject areas eligible for SSHRC funding.

Please see for more information. Application Process • Ensure both you and the master’s program for which you request support meet the requirements specified in the section. • Complete the application form and the required attachments. Application instructions can be found inside your online application. • Determine your current applicant status from the table below and submit your complete application to the appropriate institution. Applicant Status Where to Submit Application You are currently registered in a degree program at, or are on an approved leave of absence from.

Submit your application to. A university with a the university at which you are currently registered. A university without a SSHRC a foreign university* SSHRC You are not currently registered in a degree program, but completed your previous degree.

Resco Photo Viewer 6.00 Registration Code. Submit your application to: at any time between January 1, 2012, and the present at a university with a the university at which you obtained your most recent degree. At any time between January 1, 2008, and December 31, 2011 SSHRC *Students registered concurrently at a Canadian and a foreign university must submit their application to the Canadian university if that university has a CGS allocation. Evaluation and Adjudication Evaluation Criteria Multidisciplinary committees evaluate applicants based on the following: Academic Excellence Weighting: 60% Academic excellence—as demonstrated by academic transcripts, awards and distinctions. Research Potential Weighting: 30% Quality of analytical skills, ability to think critically, ability to apply skills and knowledge, judgment, originality, initiative and autonomy, determination, and ability to complete projects within an appropriate period of time—as demonstrated in the description of the degree program and by work experience, research contributions, letters of appraisal and, if applicable, the departmental appraisal.