Botswana Predator Program Tico


Location in website: » » » Who we are Researchers Researchers Wild Entrust International was established in 2007 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization to support and grow the efforts of the original project, The Botswana Predator Conservation Program, led by two North American researchers and celebrated authors, Dr. Weldon “Tico” McNutt and his wife, Lesley Boggs, in Africa. Tico and Lesley have a research camp in the Okavango Delta, where they have lived nearly continuously for the past 20 years and raised two boys. We have now expanded to support a variety of wildlife conservation organizations that share many of the same goals as our original project. Weldon “Tico” McNutt Dr. Weldon “Tico” McNutt began his pioneering work in the Okavango Delta in 1989 while working on his Ph.D.

African Wild Dog SSP Report. (Tico) McNutt, Botswana Predator Conservation Program. Botswana Predator Conservation Program (project. “Tico” McNutt: When I arrived in Botswana in. The Botswana Predator. We needed to continue and to expand our predator conservation program. The Botswana Predator Conservation Trust (formerly Botswana Wild Dog Research Project) Through the long-term commitment of Seattle-native Dr. John 'Tico' McNutt, the.

In Animal Behavior from the University of California, Davis. McNutt’s focus was the African wild dog (Lycaon pictus), a distinct species about which little was known. Over the past 20 years, working with graduate students and local staff, Dr. McNutt charted the individual life histories of what is now more than 1,000 wild dogs spanning eight generations. As a result of Dr.

McNutt’s painstaking work, the African wild dog has been transformed from an almost unknown mystery to a widely recognized and reasonably well-understood predator with a distinct place in Africa. Manual Nobreak 10kva. Early in 2006, in recognition of Dr. McNutt’s tireless and successful work, the government granted him the permit for research on several predators. The Botswana Predator Conservation Program became Botswana’s umbrella program for large predator conservation research. Lesley Boggs McNutt Lesley Boggs is Tico’s co-author and Director of Social Programs for the Botswana Predator Conservation Program and Trust. Since completing graduate work in Development Anthropology at McGill University, Montreal, Canada, Lesley’s research has focused on resource management, human-wildlife conflict, and the relationships between protected areas and the adjacent lands.


Finding ways to promote human solutions for the preservation of Africa’s large predators and their habitats has been the focus of Lesley’s work. In addition to publishing extensively in peer-reviewed journals, including Animal Behavior, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, Conservation Biology and Journal of Zoology London, Lesley and Tico are the authors of the definitive and award-winning book Running Wild: Dispelling the Myths of the African Wild Dog. The Botswana Predator Conservation Program and Trust has hosted a number of Ph.D. Research projects and short-term internships under the direction of the program leaders.