Best Antivirus 2009 Forum

Kaspersky Antivirus 2009 DownloadBest Antivirus For Windows 10

Hey all, very new to the website but I've read numerous threads on 'AntiVirus 2009' but have not really found an identical problem that I am having. Whats the best free antivirus. Consumer Reports lists Avast as the best antivirus.

Norton Antivirus 2010 is my personal choice and as my website is based on virus removal and prevention, you can trust my answer. Seriously though, the reasons I like Norton 2010 is mainly down to the fact it has insight protection. Known good files aren't scanned, meaning that the scan time is around 20mins or so. The known good files stand at around 60 million and known bad ones are at around 11.5 million at the moment (and counting).

(when you click Details beside where it says Insight Protection, you can see the progress) It also has very detailed and easy to understand results pages. And its also very, very light. I currently use it and love it.

Actually Norton doesn't slow your PC down in the slightest (unless you have 512MB Ram or less that is). And you don't have to be techy to be able to understand it. It may look daunting at first, but everything is clearly laid out and well explained. Install Zaptel Drivers Centos more. Also, I really wouldn't use Trend Micro.

I haven't tried it lately although the latest UI looks very unprofessional. It actually looks like a rogue, even though it isn't. Here is a thorough review of Trend Micro And a thorough review (on the same site) of Norton Anyway, I'm more than happy with Norton as what its antivirus doesn't catch, the sonar will. I haven't felt the need to switch with something else since I made the switch over to Norton 2010.